Sunday, June 24, 2012

College newspaper humor: April 1918

Here are a couple jokes from the April 27, 1918 edition of The New Hampshire newspaper, which was published by New Hampshire College (now the University of New Hampshire).  The newspaper didn't have a specific humor section; instead, jokes were spread throughout the paper.  I assume they were used to fill any empty space in the print.

I particularly like the first one because, as a knitter, I'm pretty sure I've accidentally hit a few people.  I imagine this girl was knitting something for the Red Cross - in fact, just before the war's end, the college actually began drafting female students for Red Cross work.

However, it's also nice to see people making fun of English grammar throughout history.


  1. Hahahah, I can't say anything except laugh uncontrollably! "While you wait for 25 cents."

    Also, I want to be drafted to knit things.... can I get a scholarship for knitting?

  2. I"m still waiting for my 25 cents.
    I personally enjoy the comment about bathing suits ... because in 1918, people were already concerned about showing too much skin.
